The Community Booth is available for bookings from January until October. Bookings will be taken up to 6 months in advance and only 7 days maximum in duration. They cannot be booked on consecutive weeks. Community groups can book up to 3 times per calendar year. 2. The booth must be staffed for full operating hours on Saturdays & Sundays and a minimum of 7 hours on week days. 3. Shoppers Mall is private property and exists to encourage and facilitate patronage of the stores and services. If any display held on the premises of Shoppers Mall interferes with the normal use of the shopping centre, the right to have a display in Shoppers Mall will be revoked immediately by the Centre’s management. 4. Displays must be removed at the close for business on the final day. If you are in the centre for less than full days, you must remove all material each day. 5. The organization is responsible for the upkeep of the display, which must be in clean, uncluttered condition at all times. 6. Signage is the responsibility of the organization and must be professional in appearance. Under no circumstances will “hand-written or homemade” signage be allowed. Management must approve the signage that will be displayed at least 48 hours prior to use of the booth. Signage must be removed if so requested by Management. Management may remove the signage if it is not taken down upon request. 7. Any advertising outside of the booth must be purchased and approved through the Specialty Leasing Manager. 8. Signage may be utilized as long as it is not promoting a business. 9. No items including signage are allowed outside the booth. 10. No signage, posters, brochures, flyers or other advertising materials can be affixed to any wall, mirror, or other surface in the shopping centre. 11. Displays, backdrops, etc. may not exceed a height of six (6) feet. Display area – Max 8’ wide, 6’ high and 10’ long. 12. Mall management determines location of displays. Displays must have consent of Mall Management. 13. Food or beverages shall not be brought into, consumed or given away in the display area. 14. All groups, businesses or organizations that book Shoppers Mall for promotional displays must sign the Shoppers Mall “Agreement” document. 15. Groups of a political or controversial nature are not allowed to book Community Booth or Non-Profit Organization display. 16. The booth must be staffed and volunteers must remain inside the booth at all times. The volunteer of the organization must not solicit from, or approach any of the shoppers in the Shoppers Mall. Shoppers must come to the display of their own accord. 17. Access to an electrical outlet upon request ahead of time can be provided if available. Organizations must provide their own extension cords, TV’s, DVD players, etc. 18. All persons staffing the display must be made aware of the rules and regulations and have a copy of them on the days designated for their display. 19. Absolutely no helium tanks or air tanks will be allowed in the common area of the mall. 20. No food sales of any kind will be permitted in the Community Booth. 21. Your signed agreement must be available if requested by Shoppers Mall staff.